Enliven - определение. Что такое Enliven
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Что (кто) такое Enliven - определение

v. a.
Quicken, animate, wake, rouse, invigorate, give life to.
Inspire, inspirit, exhilarate, cheer, delight, gladden.
¦ verb make more entertaining or interesting.
?make more cheerful or animated.
enlivener noun
enlivenment noun
C17 (in the sense 'give life to'): from C16 enlive, inlive (in the same sense).
·vt To give life, action, or motion to; to make vigorous or active; to Excite; to Quicken; as, fresh fuel enlivens a fire.
II. Enliven ·vt To give spirit or vivacity to; to make sprightly, gay, or cheerful; to Animate; as, mirth and good humor enliven a company; enlivening strains of music.
Примеры произношения для Enliven
1. we could basically enliven the global economy
2. it's to enliven in the story.
The Village Effect _ Susan Pinker _ Talks at Google
3. And we are working on plans to re-enliven or enliven that area.
Martha Stewart in Conversation with Marissa Mayer _ Talks at Google
4. to enliven it, to vivify it,
5. I mean, so many things might enliven it
Real Love - Mindful Connection _ Sharon Salzberg _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Enliven
1. Long may that layabout enliven our glorious language.
2. This would distract students from the genuinely important and interesting controversies that enliven evolutionary discourse.
3. Packer also wanted to enliven a sport that he believed failed to appeal to the young.
4. I am happy to be with them, confirm their faith and enliven their hope," he said.
5. Wade ruling legalizing abortion should be overturned, a finding certain to enliven January‘s confirmation hearings.